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Our Impact

Our business model is based on nature's decomposition ecology to create a virtuous cycle. We reuse today's waste to make tomorrow's raw materials, closing the loop and building a circular economy. We demonstrate our commitment by aligning with and measuring ourselves against the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals.

consumption and production

A circular and zero waste value chain to upcycle 300,000 tonnes of agricultural by-products per year

Life below water

1 tonne of fish fed with insects represents 250kg of forage fish preserved

Life on land

1 tonne of poultry fed with insects represents 210m² of arable land spared

The Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens, BSF) is at the heart of a new zero-waste, circular agricultural value chain that
creates sustainable jobs.

These tiny creatures are rich in proteins and other nutrients that can be used as food for both humans and animals. They take up much less space than traditional livestock, reducing the pressure on farmland while also preserving resources such as water and energy.​

Black Soldier Fly

A natural and sustainable solution to feed tomorrow’s world

The production of food is one of the most pressing challenges facing humankind. In fact, our population is growing at an unprecedented rate, and it is estimated to reach more than 10 billion people in 2050.

To meet this demand, food production must increase. One way to increase food output is by incorporating insects into our food chain.

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